Register for Vacation Bible School
We hope you will join us for Vacation Bible School in the first week of June (Sunday June 2 -Wednesday June 5). The theme for this evening (6:30 pm to 8:30 pm) VBS is Twists and Turns with fun board game visuals show us through the life of Peter that “Following Jesus Changes the Game. We will also have an optional free family dinner and an adult class for any grown-ups that choose to stay on campus.
We will have a canned food drive to support our food pantry—Shepherd’s Heart. This year, our two age groups will face off for a pie in the face of their main leader—if kids bring 1000 items all together, the pastor will get a pie in the face too!
THEME DAYS: Sunday—wear red; Monday—wear yellow; Tuesday—wear green; Wednesday—wear blue
Kids can earn tickets every day for attendance, bringing an item for the food drive, bringing a Bible (let us know if you need one), bringing a friend, reciting today’s Bible Verse, participating in theme days. On Sunday July 9th, we will have a drawing for a big prize and a family game afternoon from 12:00 to 2:00